
Kikuhime Kayoukikuzake Ginjo

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Kikuhime Kayoukikuzake Ginjo

Historical Sake "加賀の菊酒 Kaga-no-Kikuzake". Its place of origin is Tsurugi which Kikuhime is located. The name of "Kayou" means southern area from Kaga area.  You can enjoy the world of Kikuhime agiging Daiginjo with familiar taste and reasonable price. Please enjoy this Sake at room temperature and slightly warmed.

Volume: 720ml (per bottle)

Alcohol %: 17% to 18%

Raw materials: Rice, Koji (Koji mold) and Distilled alcohol

Sake Rice: Yamadanishiki (produced in Yokawa, Hyogo, 特A地区 (Special A area), Japan)

Seimai Buai (Polishing ratio): 55% (55% remaining)

Aging year: 2 years and more

Tasting note: Elegant and rich flavour like caramel and brown sugar origin from young aging, fine touch and rich taste, dry, full body.