Kikuhime Toku Gin Heisei 21 (2009)

Kikuhime Toku Gin Heisei 21 (2009)

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Kikuhime Toku Gin Heisei 21 (2009)

The limited number of aged Sake is carefully selected, and will be released in very limited numbers. That is "Toku Gin" of Kikuhime. Please enjoy this Sake at room temperature (15℃~20℃) or slightly warmed (35℃~40℃).

Volume: 720ml (per bottle)

Alcohol %: 18%

Raw materials: Rice, Koji (Koji mold) and Distilled alcohol

Sake Rice: Yamadanishiki (produced in Yokawa, Hyogo, 特A地区 (Special A area), Japan)

Seimai Buai (Polishing ratio): 50%

Tasting note: Clear golden yellow. Ripe fruits aroma like ripe pear and dry fruits (raisin), and honey. Sweet persimmon taste, the fluent sweetness and richer taste, and bitterness. This Sake has still good structure, so, this Sake can be aged more. Dry, full body. 

Our stock Serial No. 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110