Kikuhime Tsurunosato Yamahaijunmai BY30 (2018)
This Sake received gold medal at IWC (International Wine Challenge) in 2007. This Sake is brewed with "Yamahai" brewing method and under severe temerature control like Ginjo brewig method. This Sake's concept is "vintage" and "aging". You can enjoy the differences between vintages. Please enjoy this Sake at room temperature or slightly warmed.
Volume: 720ml (per bottle)
Alcohol %: 16%
Raw materials: Rice and Koji (Koji mold)
Variety of Rice: Yamadanishiki (produced in Yokawa, Hyogo, 特A地区 (Special A area), Japan)
Seimai Buai (Polishing ratio): 65% (65% remaining)
Aging year: not more than 1 year at release from Kikuhime. After releasing from Kikuhime, we YAMADASAKETEN have kept them at the same temperature condition of Kikuhime.
Tasting note: Elegant flavour like banana, fresh and rich taste like milk texture, strong taste origin from Yamahai brewing, delicate and fine taste, fresh and comfortable acid taste, dry, full body.